Sri Lanka Celebrates Countries’ Worker Rights on International Labour Day 2024

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Labour Day

Sri Lanka along with the whole world celebrates International Labour Day on the 1st day of May. Sri Lanka pays respect to the laborer and their contribution to the country on this Day. Internationally this day is also known as May Day as this day occurs on the first day of the month of May.

International Labour Day is also broadly known as International Workers Day. Sri Lanka celebrates this day with huge festivities. It is a general holiday in Sri Lanka. The government along with several parties and normal people take steps to celebrate this day with deserved honor.

History of International Labour Day

The International Organizer of Workers announced 1st May as International Labour Day in 1889. They choose this day because of its rich history. Which occurs in 1886 in Chicago of the United States.

1886 was the year when the industrials were unfair to their laborers. They used to make the workers work 16 to 18 hours a day with a small amount of money. Also, the working environment was not safe for the laborers.

The worker organized a protest against all these injustices they had to deal with in their work. The protestation was held on the opening day of May 1886. They demanded 8 hours of work time, impartial payment, and good surroundings to work. 

The protest was led by two organizations: The Federation of Organized Treads and the Labour Union of the United States. It started with almost 500,000 workers in 1s of May. The first two days of the protest were peaceful and on the 3rd day, the police opened fire for the inconvenience. Two protesters were killed in this open fire.

The next day, there accrues a bomb blast where 7 police officers get killed along with 4 civil people. Police arrested the protest leaders after that and the court sentenced them to death. 4 were hanged in this order. 1 committed suicide and two of them served in the prison for a lifetime. 

This protest got famous around the world by the name Haymarket affair. Later the International Workers Organization decided to make this day memorable by announcing it as International Labour Day and finally the world gets its International Labour Day for its hard-working workers. 

Sri Lanka Celebrates Countries’ Worker Rights on International Labour Day 2021

History of Sri Lanka’s First May Day

Sri Lanka in that time Cylon celebrates its first-ever May Day in 1927. Which was introduced by its Labour Union leader A. E. Gunasinha. The earliest May Day rally took place in 1933 where A.E. Gunasinha was leading. There was a particular dress code for men and women at the rally. Men were wearing a sarong and red striped banyan and women wore jackets with red cloth.

The rally avoided any kind of political slogan to display on the banner or even shout. A.E. Gunasinha walked under a sloganless red banner. Workers sang working-class songs as part of the rally. This rally started from Price Park and ended in Galle Face Green. 

Later in 1935 Cylon had its first May Day rally under Marxist guidance. In 1956 May Day was declared a public holiday by Mahajana Eksath Peramuna under the government of  S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike.

Celebration of International Labour Day in Sri Lanka

The government of Sri Lanka takes a major part in celebrating May Day. This celebration took place in the major cities of Sri Lanka. The main celebration was held in the capital city, Colombo. It is an annual holiday in Sri Lanka. So, people all over the country celebrate this day along with the workers. 

From the government to private offices every office remains closed. The educational institute also remains close. Many organizations and parties held seminars or rallies regarding this day. Party leaders often greet crowds on the occasion of this day.

Workers carrying banners of a political slogan in the representation of parties is a common thing to see on this day. Working-class songs signed by our workers are a trademark of May Day nowadays. Parties often adorn their vehicles on this occasion. Broadcasting media also publish distinguished articles and air shows related to International Workers Day.

May Day sometimes falls with Sri Lanka’s religious festive Vesak Week or named Vasak Full Moon Poya. Sri Lankan government reschedule May Day for the year it falls with Vasek week and celebrates this day on that particular day.

Sri Lanka Celebrates Countries’ Worker Rights on International Labour Day 2021

Message From Country Chief in International Labour Day

The president of Sri Lanka Gotabaya Rajapaksa issued his message on the occasion of International Labour Day with the people of the country. He said “International Workers’ Day is an opportunity to showcase the unity, strength, and revolutionary spirit of working people to the world. The global working community has lost the opportunity to celebrate May Day this time due to the global pandemic. Nevertheless, I am confident that their determination to create a better and just society will remain the same.”

In the end, he added “May the aspirations of this International Workers’ Day further enhance the courage for the collective efforts of rebuilding the Sri Lankan nation and the economy of the country. I salute the Sri Lankan working class.”

International Workers Day Quotes/ Facebook Status/SMS Wishes 

To celebrate Labour day with your people and well-wisher below are some wishes to help you wish them

1. Today is a day for you and your hard work! Let us celebrate the success and struggles of your working life. Wishing you a happy labor day!

2. Happy Labour Day! It is a day to celebrate each other and to share happiness.

3. Happy Labour Day to the workers of every field! The world is built on their contribution and all of them deserve equal respect from us!

4. Sending our appreciation and respect to the workers of every field. Happy Labour Day!

5. Labour Day is very significant to acknowledge the efforts of the workers who provide us with their daily service. Happy Labour Day to you!

6. Our daily lives go smoothly standing upon the tireless work and service of the workers of various sectors. So Happy Labour Day to the heroes!

7. Every job deserves to be respected and every man deserves to be celebrated every day. Happy Labour Day to all the great workers!

8. Happy Labour Day to you! It is a tribute to all the past and present workers, who have offered us their selfless services for our comfort.

9. May Day bears significance to all the laborers of the world, as it is dedicated to their hard work and service. Happy May Day to them!

10. Happy May Day to the workers! Thank you for pouring your soul into your respected jobs every day and giving us the fruits of your hard work.

International Labour Day Quotes in Tamil

Here are few Tamil quotes for International Labour Day.

  1. உழைப்பால் உருவானது



சிறக்கும் வாழ்வு

சிந்திடும் வியர்வையால்-


உழைப்பின் உயர்வுக்கு

ஒரு தினம்-

மே தினம்…!

  1. உலகெங்கும் தொழிலாளர் உண்டு-அவர்

உயர்வுக்கு வழி செய்தல் நன்று …

ஏற்றம் அடைந்திட வேண்டும்-அவர்

ஏழ்மை அகன்றிட வேண்டும்

பாடுபடும் தொழிலாளி-அவர்

பாரில் உயர வேண்டும்…

  1. தொழிலாளியின் வியர்வை

தங்கத்தை காட்டும் மதிப்பானது…!

வைரத்தை விட ஜொலிப்பானது….!!

முத்தை விட அழகானது…..!!!

  1. உலகின் படைப்புக்கள் எங்கள்

உழைப்பெனும் உளியால்



விலையாகக் கொடுத்து


கலை பொருள் தந்தோம்….

வியர்வை துளிகளை


பேரணி கண்டோம்!

  1. உழைத்துக் களைத்த றியா

விவசாயத் தோழன்…

உன் உழைப்பால் உலகமே


உன் உழைப்பால் உலகமே

ஆடை அணிகிறார்…

How does Sri Lanka’s celebration of Independence Day relate to their recognition of worker rights on International Labour Day?

Sri Lanka Independence Day 2024 is a time for celebrating freedom and autonomy, but it also serves as a reminder of the country’s commitment to worker rights. The recognition of International Labour Day emphasizes the importance of fair labor practices and the ongoing struggle for workers’ rights in Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka has always been a country of the working class. They serve, the country lives. International Workers Day is not only about celebrating or enjoying. This day is for our worker’s rights. We should always pay a fair price for their labor. 

Their labor helps the country to prosper. We have to make sure they are having a safe environment for work. An equal opportunity should be served for our working-class people. Because they deserve this. They are the people who are driving the economy of our country.

We should take care of those people who take care of us by serving the country with their labor. Sri Lanka has always taken care of them and we have to make sure of it in the future.

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